Aminet 4
Aminet 4 - November 1994.iso
Internet Message Format
From gb7chs%gb7chs@gb7pwy Fri Jun 19 19:10:45 1992
Received: from g6pvo by G1YYH.ampr.org with SMTP
id AA14461 ; Fri, 19 Jun 92 19:06:42 GMT
Received: from gb7pwy by g6pvo with SMTP
id AA889; Fri, 19 Jun 92 17:37:56 GMT
Date: Thu, 18 Jun 92 19:55 GMT
To: g1yyh@g1yyh
From: gb7chs%gb7chs@gb7pwy
Subject: de CLIVE>G3WCS.103 1 / 2
X-BBS-Line: SP G1YYH @ G1YYH < GB7CHS $92024_GB7CHS
Status: R
R:920618/2029Z @:GB7PWY.#16.GBR.EU #: 8307 TCP/IP Gateway
R:920618/2025Z @:GB7WRC.#16.GBR.EU Burnley #:62849
R:920618/2019Z @:GB7FCI.#16.GBR.EU Blackpool #:14052
R:920618/1955Z @:GB7CHS.#11.GBR.EU Cheshire NTS [FBB 5.14cá] #:92024
Posted by the CLIVE v 4.01N data base from GB7CHS at 19:55Z on 18-06-1992
Radio stations on satellite in Europe (11-12 GHz)
*) is updated April 2, 1992.
Vision ------------------------------------------------+
Subcarrier (Mhz) -----------------------------+ !
PreEmphasis ---------------------------+ ! !
Polarisation -------------------------+ ! ! !
Frequency (GHz) ----------------+ ! ! ! !
Transponder(DBS Channel) -+ ! ! ! ! !
Language -----------+ ! ! ! ! ! !
Radio Service-+ ! ! ! ! ! ! !
! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Kopernikus, DFS-1; (23.5 E)
Star*Sat Radio D A1 11.475 H P 7.38/7.56 Sat.1
Radio Luxemburg D C2 11.675 H P 7.02/7.20 RTL-Plus
Radio Melodie D E2 12.558 H P 7.02/7.20 Pro-7
Klassik Radio D E3 12.591 V P 7.38/7.56 Premiere
Bayerischer Rundf. D E4 12.625 H D DSR Channel 1 -
SDR/SWF D E4 12.625 H D DSR Channel 2 -
Radio Bremen 2 D E4 12.625 H D DSR Channel 3 -
Hessischer Rundf. D E4 12.625 H D DSR Channel 4 -
NDR 3 D E4 12.625 H D DSR Channel 5 -
Star*Sat Radio D E4 12.625 H D DSR Channel 6 -
Deutschlandfunk D E4 12.625 H D DSR Channel 7 -
WDR 3 D E4 12.625 H D DSR Channel 8 -
RIAS Berlin D E4 12.625 H D DSR Channel 9 -
Europawelle Saar D E4 12.625 H D DSR Channel 10 -
DS KULTUR D E4 12.625 H D DSR Channel 11 -
Klassik Radio D E4 12.625 H D DSR Channel 12 -
Radio FFN D E4 12.625 H D DSR Channel 13 -
Radio-Ropa D E4 12.625 H D DSR Channel 14 -
Radio Luxemburg D E4 12.625 H D DSR Channel 15 -
Radio Xanadu D E4 12.625 H D DSR Channel 16 -
Radio-Ropa D E5 12.658 V P 7.02/7.20 West 3
(supermarket) D E5 12.658 V P 7.38 West
Radio P.O.S. D E5 12.658 V P 7.56 West 3
(supermarket) D E5 12.725 V P 7.68 Bayern 3
(supermarket) D E5 12.725 V P 7.89/8.05 Bayern 3
EutelSat, I-F5; (21.5 E)
Croatia, Zagreb YUG 4 11.50867 H P 7.02 HTV-Zagreb
Astra, 1A; (19.2 E)
Deutsche Welle D 2 11.22900 V P 7.38 RTL-Plus
Deutsche Welle M 2 11.22900 V P 7.56 RTL-Plus
Deutschlandfunk D 6 11.28800 V P 7.38/7.56 Sat.1
Deutschlandf.Int. M 6 11.28800 V P 7.74 Sat.1
Deutschlandf.Int. M 6 11.28800 V P 7.92 Sat.1
Sky Radio GB 8 11.31750 V P 7.38/7.56 Sky One
Hit Radio GB 8 11.31750 V P 7.74/7.92 Sky One
* Swiss Broadc. M 9 11.33225 H P 7.20 Teleclub
Opus Radio SCH 9 11.33225 H P 7.38/7.56 Teleclub
Giant storecast FM GB 12 11.37650 V P 7.74 Sky News
Super Gold GB 12 11.37650 V P 7.92 Sky News
Radio Luxemburg GB 13 11.39125 H P 7.38/7.56 RTL-4
RTL-4 Radio NL 13 11.39125 H P 7.74/7.92 RTL-4
Star*Sat Radio D 14 11.40600 V P 7.38/7.56 Pro-7
Radio-Ropa D 14 11.40600 V P 7.74/7.92 Pro-7
Power-FM NL 15 11.42075 H P 7.38/7.56 MTV-Europe
Quality Europe FM GB 16 11.43550 V P 7.38/7.56 Sky Movies +
ASDA storecast FM GB 16 11.43550 V P 7.74 Sky Movies +
Astra, 1B; (19.2 E)
Sunrise Radio GB 18 11.47900 V P 7.38 The Movie Channel
Holland-FM NL 18 11.47900 V P 7.56 The Movie Channel
Sudwestfunk 3 D 19 11.49375 H P 7.38/7.56 Eins Plus
* Solar Radio GB 20 11.50850 V P 7.38 Sky Sports
Radio 101.6 FM GB 20 11.50850 V P 7.56 Sky Sports
Radio Luxemburg D 21 11.52325 H P 7.38/7.56 Tele-5
* Radio Sweden M 26 11.59700 V P 7.74 The Comedy Channel
EutelSat, II-F3; (16 E)
Onda Cero Radio ES 25 10.97200 V P 7.02 Tele 5
Onda Cero Musica ES 25 10.97200 V P 7.20 Tele 5
SER 40 Principales ES 25 10.97200 V P 7.38/7.56 Tele 5
Radio Minuto ES 25 10.97200 V P 7.74 Tele 5
Antena 3 ES 26 11.09500 V P 7.02 Antena Tres
Cadena Cope Infos ES 26 11.09500 V P 7.20 Antena Tres
Radio Efe ES 26 11.09500 V P 7.38 Antena Tres
Cadena Cope ES 27 11.17800 V P 7.02/7.20 Canal Plus
EutelSat, II-F1; (13 E)
BBC World Service GB 25 10.98700 V P 7.38 Super Channel
BBC Foreign Lang. M 25 10.98700 V P 7.56 Super Channel
Radio Free Europe M 21 11.05500 H P 7.38 Usingen TVCSM
Radio Svoboda M 21 11.05500 H P 7.56 Usingen TVCSM
VOA M 26 11.08000 V P 7.00 Worldnet/C-SPAN
VOA M 26 11.08000 V P 7.30 Worldnet/C-SPAN
VOA M 26 11.08000 V P 7.50 Worldnet/C-SPAN
VOA USA 26 11.08000 V P 7.65 Worldnet/C-SPAN
Deutsche Welle D 27 11.16333 H P 7.02 Usingen TVCSM
Continued in part 2 >
From gb7chs%gb7chs@gb7pwy Fri Jun 19 19:14:02 1992
Received: from g6pvo by G1YYH.ampr.org with SMTP
id AA14462 ; Fri, 19 Jun 92 19:10:53 GMT
Received: from gb7pwy by g6pvo with SMTP
id AA891; Fri, 19 Jun 92 17:41:22 GMT
Date: Thu, 18 Jun 92 19:55 GMT
To: g1yyh@g1yyh
From: gb7chs%gb7chs@gb7pwy
Subject: de CLIVE>G3WCS.103 2 / 2
X-BBS-Line: SP G1YYH @ G1YYH < GB7CHS $92026_GB7CHS
Status: R
R:920618/2039Z @:GB7PWY.#16.GBR.EU #: 8308 TCP/IP Gateway
R:920618/2035Z @:GB7WRC.#16.GBR.EU Burnley #:62850
R:920618/2026Z @:GB7FCI.#16.GBR.EU Blackpool #:14054
R:920618/1955Z @:GB7CHS.#11.GBR.EU Cheshire NTS [FBB 5.14cá] #:92026
Posted by the CLIVE v 4.01N data base from GB7CHS at 19:55Z on 18-06-1992
Continued from part 1 >
Deutsche Welle M 27 11.16333 H P 7.20 Usingen TVCSM
VOA-Europe USA 27 11.16333 H P 7.38/7.56 Usingen TVCSM
VOA M 27 11.16333 H P 7.92 Usingen TVCSM
Deutche Welle M 27 11.16333 H P 8.10 Usingen TVCSM
Radio Contact NL 34 11.63833 H D D2-MAC (mono) FilmNet 24
Consert Radio NL 34 11.67833 H P 6.12/6.84 FilmNet 24
Radio Contact NL 34 11.67833 H P 7.02 FilmNet 24
Radio Contact B 34 11.67833 H P 7.74 FilmNet 24
Radio Teen Gold NL 34 11.67833 H P 7.92/8.10 FilmNet 24
EutelSat, II-F2; (10 E)
Radio 1 ES 22 11.14933 H P 7.38 TVE International
Radio Exterior ES 22 11.14933 H P 7.56 TVE International
(supermarket) D 38 11.61666 V P 7.38 Magic Box Star 1
Radio P.O.S. D 38 11.61666 V P 7.56 Magic Box Star 1
EutelSat, I-F4; (7 E)
Radio Beograd JU 3W 11.17800 H P 7.02 TV Beograd 1
Tele-X; (5 E)
Radio Sweden M 26 12.20698 L P 7.38 TV-4
Radio Voice DK 26 12.20698 L P 7.74/7.92 TV-4
IntelSat, VA-F12; (1 W)
Radio Nettverk N 61 11.016 H P 7.38 TV-Norge
Radio Limelight N 61 11.016 H P 7.56 TV-Norge
R. Northsea Int. N 61 11.016 H P 7.74 TV-Norge
TeleCom 1C, (5 W)
Mousquetaire F R1 12.522 V T 6.40 Metropole 6
Europe 1 F R1 12.522 V T 6.85/8.20 Metropole 6
Mousquetaire F R1 12.522 V T 7.25 Metropole 6
(supermarket) F R1 12.522 V T 7.75 Metropole 6
Radio Dezibel F R1 12.522 V T 8.65 Metropole 6
M40 F R2 12.564 V T 6.40/7.25 Antenne 2
Super Loustic F R2 12.564 V T 6.85 Antenne 2
Nouvelle Gen./AFP F R2 12.564 V T 7.75/8.65 Antenne 2
Radio Luxembourg F R3 12.606 V T 6.85/8.20 La 5
(supermarket) F R4 12.648 V T 6.40 Canal +
Radio Monte Carlo F R4 12.648 V T 6.85/8.20 Canal +
(supermarket) F R4 12.648 V T 7.25 Canal +
Super Loustic F R4 12.648 V T 7.75 Canal +
Resonances/RockOest F R6 12.732 V T 6.40 Canal J
Cherie - FM F R6 12.732 V T 6.85 Canal J
M40 F R6 12.732 V T 7.25/8.20 Canal J
Rockland F R6 12.732 V T 7.75 Canal J
Radio Notre Dame F R6 12.732 V T 8.65 Canal J
TDF-1A, (19 W)
France Inter. F 1 11.72748 R D D2-MAC (mono) MCM
Hector F 9 11.88092 R D D2-MAC (stereo) La 7
TV-SAT 2, (19.2 W)
Bayerischer Rundf. D 14 11.97682 L D DSR Channel 1 -
SDR/SWF D 14 11.97682 L D DSR Channel 2 -
Radio Bremen 2 D 14 11.97682 L D DSR Channel 3 -
Hessischer Rundf. D 14 11.97682 L D DSR Channel 4 -
NDR 3 D 14 11.97682 L D DSR Channel 5 -
Star*Sat Radio D 14 11.97682 L D DSR Channel 6 -
Deutschlandfunk D 14 11.97682 L D DSR Channel 7 -
WDR 3 D 14 11.97682 L D DSR Channel 8 -
RIAS Berlin D 14 11.97682 L D DSR Channel 9 -
Europawelle Saar D 14 11.97682 L D DSR Channel 10 -
DS KULTUR D 14 11.97682 L D DSR Channel 11 -
Klassik Radio D 14 11.97682 L D DSR Channel 12 -
Radio FFN D 14 11.97682 L D DSR Channel 13 -
Radio-Ropa D 14 11.97682 L D DSR Channel 14 -
Radio Luxemburg D 14 11.97682 L D DSR Channel 15 -
Radio Xanadu D 14 11.97682 L D DSR Channel 16 -
IntelSat, VI-F4; (27.5 W)
BBC for Europe (648)M 1E 10.995 V P 7.02 BBC-WS-TV
BBC World Service GB 1E 10.995 V P 7.20 BBC-WS-TV
BBC External Sce. M 1E 10.995 V P 7.38 BBC-WS-TV
BBC World Service GB 1E 10.995 V P 8.10 BBC-WS-TV
CNN Radio News USA 2E 11.155 V P 6.30 CNN-International
(horse races) GB 4W 11.175 H P 7.38 Discovery Channel
SIS Satellite racingF 4W 11.175 H P 7.56 Discovery Channel
(horse races) F 4W 11.175 H P 7.92 Discovery Channel
BFBS 3 "London" GB 75 11.561 V P 7.02 SSVC
BFBS 2 GB 75 11.561 V P 7.20 (scrambled) SSVC
BBC French ? F 75 11.561 V P 7.38 SSVC
BBC for Europe (648)M 75 11.561 V P 7.56 SSVC
D = Digital
N = None
P = Panda-1 (Wegener,1600)
T = Telspace (TeleCom,TransCom)
*** EOF
From gb7wrc@gb7pwy Fri Jun 19 19:34:08 1992
Received: from g6pvo by G1YYH.ampr.org with SMTP
id AA14464 ; Fri, 19 Jun 92 19:32:48 GMT
Received: from gb7pwy by g6pvo with SMTP
id AA897; Fri, 19 Jun 92 18:00:31 GMT
Date:Re: 920618/2100Z @:G2 GMT
To: g1yyh@g1yyh
From: gb7wrc@gb7pwy
Subject: de CLIVE}Report
X-BBS-Line: SP G1YYH @ G1YYH < GB7WRC $62856_GB7WRC
Status: R
R:920618/2119Z @:GB7PWY.#16.GBR.EU #: 8314 TCP/IP Gateway
R:920618/2111Z @:GB7WRC.#16.GBR.EU Burnley #:62856
Re: 920618/2100Z @:GB7PWY.#16.GBR.EU
Message processed by CLIVE on 18-06-1992 (21:11 GMT)
Hello John
Welcome to the CLIVE database on GB7WRC in Burnley, Lancs.
There are currently 27 topics on GB7WRC (No topic selected.)
Topic Description of contents.
----- ------------------------
ALINCO Modifications etc for ALINCO tranceivers.
ATARI Files relating to the ATARI computer.
BBC Files relating to the BBC Micro computer.
BBCTIPS BBC Micro hints and tips from G4BLT.
BBSINFO Information files on BBS's (Bulletin Boards)
COMM64 Files relating to the Commodore C64 (some C128)
DRDOS Information files on DR DOS (mainly version 6)
GENERAL General Amateur radio related files.
HDDINFO Information/data on various hard disk drives.
IBMPC IBM PC (and compatible) computer related files.
ICOM Modifications etc for ICOM transceivers.
KENWOOD Modifications etc for KENWOOD transceivers.
MISCMODS Miscellaneous modification files.
MISCOMPS Miscellaneous computer files.
MOBILES Hints/tips on Radio Amateur mobile installations
NODEINFO Packet radio NODE information files.
NWPUG North West Packet User Group related files.
PACKET Various packet radio related files.
PMR Modifications etc for ex-PMR tranceivers.
PSION Psion computer related files.
RECEIVER Mods/hints/tips on various receivers and scanners
STANDARD Modifications etc for STANDARD transceivers.
TCPIP TCP/IP related files.
TNCS Modifications/hints/tips/help for various TNC's.
VIRII Information and Data on various VIRII.
YAESU Modifications etc for YAESU transceivers.
AMSAT AMSAT (Amateur Satellites) related files.
Thank you for using the database,
I hope you find the reply useful.
73 de Mick..G7DMS, SysOp @ GB7WRC
From clive%g1yyh@gb7pwy Fri Jun 19 19:39:03 1992
Received: from g6pvo by G1YYH.ampr.org with SMTP
id AA14466 ; Fri, 19 Jun 92 19:37:06 GMT
Received: from gb7pwy by g6pvo with SMTP
id AA901; Fri, 19 Jun 92 18:11:33 GMT
Date:Re: 920618/2356z @:G6 GMT
To: g1yyh@g1yyh
From: clive%g1yyh@gb7pwy
Subject: de CLIVE}Report
X-BBS-Line: SP G1YYH @ G1YYH < CLIVE $88951_GB7ULV
Status: R
R:920619/0734Z @:GB7PWY.#16.GBR.EU #: 8380 TCP/IP Gateway
R:920619/0222Z @:GB7WRC.#16.GBR.EU Burnley #:62909
R:920619/0212Z @:GB7FCI.#16.GBR.EU Blackpool #:14139
R:920619/0206Z @:GB7ULV.#14.GBR.EU Ulverston #:88951
Re: 920618/2356z @:G1YYH.GB7PWY.#16.GBR.EU
Message processed by CLIVE v 4.0N at 03:05 GMT on 19-06-1992
Welcome to the CLIVE v 4.0N data base on GB7ULV in Ulverston Cumbria.
There are currently 6 topics on GB7ULV (No topic selected.)
Topic Description of contents.
----- ------------------------
MODS Mods to CB's, amateur, and PMR equipment for amateur use
HUMOUR Various bits of humour collected from the packet network
FOOD Collection of recipes from the network
BBS's Bulletin boards & mailboxes on amateur radio lots of info
STARTREK For the Star Trek fans old and young
FLIGHT Flight Simulator files and associated topics
NWPUG Files relating to the North West Packet User Group.
RECIPES Recipes and advice about food and drink.
TVSAT TV and Radio Satellite broadcasting. (Incl freqs & equipt mods).
DRDOS Help and Info files relating to DRDOS (Mainly Ver 6).
RALLIES Information about Rallies. Compiled by Tony, G6CZV.
FBB Information concerning F6FBB BBS software. Docs and files.
HUMOUR Various bits of humour collected from the packet network
NWPUG Information on North-West Packet Users Group
TECH Technical topics and discussion documents
BBS Bulletin boards & mailbox's on amateur radio.
PACKET Packet related files excluding BBS.
MODS Mods to PMR, amateur, and CB equipment for amateur use.
GENERAL General interest. Mainly for VHF users.
VIRUSES Description & cure of some common computer viruses.
PRINTED Writing, poems, short stories, non-ham technical articles.
COMPUTER General information and articles. (Other than programs)
REQFIL 1000's of files available from UK BBS's via reqfil protocol.
SPACE Ariane, Galileo, Giotto, Mir, Voyager, Atlantis, etc.
ACORN Acorn computers. BBC, Master, Archimedes etc.
CLUBS Clubs, societies, user groups, special interest groups etc.
SYSOPS SYSOP conference proposals, agenda, decisions, & minutes.
ATV An introduction to Amateur Television.
LIFE Personal views of life, the universe, and many other things.
MOBILE Using and installing trancieving equipment in vehicles.
LISTS IBM PD software lists. (25,000 entries) Use the SCAN command.
MISCSOFT AMIGA (so far) software. Art,music,games,utils,FISH disks.
BROADCAST Informations on BBC broadcasts & Transmitters.
ICOM Modifications exclusively for ICOM equipment.
YAESU Modifications exclusively for YAESU equipment.
CLIVE Documentation for the CLIVE database. Some restricted access.
SONGS Words for many popular songs. Restricted access due to copywrite.
JOBCLUB General information to help with seeking employment.
STOLEN Stolen amateur radio and related equipment.
FISHING Interesting files on the sport of Angling in the USA.
ANIMALS Everything you ever wanted to know about animals.
HUMOUR Articles from Keighley ARS news letter and other sources.
SOFTWARE Programs amateur related. (SENT AS ASCII FILES)
YAXPAK News, views, previews, and reviews of packet radio in Yorkshire.
Thank you for using the data base
I hope you find the reply useful.
End of work for G1YYH @ G1YYH.GB7PWY.#16.GBR.EU
73, Bob, G4BDE @ GB7ULV
From gb7wrc%g1yyh@gb7pwy Tue Jun 23 09:06:01 1992
Received: from g6pvo by G1YYH.ampr.org with SMTP
id AA14699 ; Tue, 23 Jun 92 09:05:11 BST
Received: from gb7pwy by g6pvo with SMTP
id AA989; Tue, 23 Jun 92 08:05:21 GMT
Date:Re: 920622/2221 @:G2 GMT
To: g1yyh@g1yyh
From: gb7wrc%g1yyh@gb7pwy
Subject: de CLIVE}Report
X-BBS-Line: SP G1YYH @ G1YYH < GB7WRC $63722_GB7WRC
Status: R
R:920623/0731Z @:GB7PWY.#16.GBR.EU #: 9101 TCP/IP Gateway
R:920622/2242Z @:GB7WRC.#16.GBR.EU Burnley #:63722
Re: 920622/2221 @:G1YYH.GB7PWY.#16.GBR.EU
Message processed by CLIVE on 22-06-1992 (22:42 GMT)
Hello John
Welcome to the CLIVE database on GB7WRC in Burnley, Lancs.
There are currently 27 topics on GB7WRC (No topic selected.)
Topic Description of contents.
----- ------------------------
ALINCO Modifications etc for ALINCO tranceivers.
ATARI Files relating to the ATARI computer.
BBC Files relating to the BBC Micro computer.
BBCTIPS BBC Micro hints and tips from G4BLT.
BBSINFO Information files on BBS's (Bulletin Boards)
COMM64 Files relating to the Commodore C64 (some C128)
DRDOS Information files on DR DOS (mainly version 6)
GENERAL General Amateur radio related files.
HDDINFO Information/data on various hard disk drives.
IBMPC IBM PC (and compatible) computer related files.
ICOM Modifications etc for ICOM transceivers.
KENWOOD Modifications etc for KENWOOD transceivers.
MISCMODS Miscellaneous modification files.
MISCOMPS Miscellaneous computer files.
MOBILES Hints/tips on Radio Amateur mobile installations
NODEINFO Packet radio NODE information files.
NWPUG North West Packet User Group related files.
PACKET Various packet radio related files.
PMR Modifications etc for ex-PMR tranceivers.
PSION Psion computer related files.
RECEIVER Mods/hints/tips on various receivers and scanners
STANDARD Modifications etc for STANDARD transceivers.
TCPIP TCP/IP related files.
TNCS Modifications/hints/tips/help for various TNC's.
VIRII Information and Data on various VIRII.
YAESU Modifications etc for YAESU transceivers.
AMSAT AMSAT (Amateur Satellites) related files.
Thank you for using the database,
I hope you find the reply useful.
73 de Mick..G7DMS, SysOp @ GB7WRC
From clive%g1yyh@gb7pwy Tue Jun 23 11:17:23 1992
Received: from g6pvo by G1YYH.ampr.org with SMTP
id AA14700 ; Tue, 23 Jun 92 11:14:56 BST
Received: from gb7pwy by g6pvo with SMTP
id AA991; Tue, 23 Jun 92 10:09:45 GMT
Date:Re: 920623/0819 @:G2 GMT
To: g1yyh@g1yyh
From: clive%g1yyh@gb7pwy
Subject: de CLIVE}Report
X-BBS-Line: SP G1YYH @ G1YYH < CLIVE $94421_GB7CHS
Status: R
R:920623/0929Z @:GB7PWY.#16.GBR.EU #: 9110 TCP/IP Gateway
R:920623/0925Z @:GB7WRC.#16.GBR.EU Burnley #:63798
R:920623/0918Z @:GB7FCI.#16.GBR.EU Blackpool #:15571
R:920623/0917Z @:GB7CHS.#11.GBR.EU [Cheshire NTS] FBB 5.14cá #:94421
Re: 920623/0819 @:G1YYH.GB7PWY.#16.GBR.EU
Processed at 09:16 GMT on 23-06-1992
Hi John,
Welcome to the CLIVE data base on GB7CHS.
If you have any difficulty please send a message to :-
There is also a telephone modem port on GB7CHS using speeds up to
2400/2400 baud, V22bis. If you would like access, please drop me
a message.
Matching topic found. 64 files installed relating to...
NWPUG Files relating to the North West Packet User Group.
No. Date BytesStsDescription of contents.
1 19/11/91 6680 D Minutes of NWPUG Committee Meeting on 13th Nov 1991
2 19/11/91 6759 D Minutes of NWPUG Planning Meeting on 24th Sep 1991
3 19/11/91 19554 D Minutes of NWPUG Committee Meeting on 9th Sep 1991
4 19/11/91 5849 D Minutes of NWPUG Planning Meeting on 29th Oct 1991
5 19/11/91 3575 D Minutes of NWPUG Committee Meeting on 14th Oct 1991
6 19/11/91 8751 D Minutes of NWPUG Committee Meeting on 20th May 1991
7 19/11/91 9124 D Minutes of NWPUG Planning Meeting on 19th Mar 1991
8 19/11/91 9879 D Minutes of NWPUG Committee Meeting on 11th Mar 1991
9 19/11/91 18565 D Minutes of NWPUG Committee Meeting on 1st Jul 1991
10 19/11/91 6495 D Minutes of NWPUG Planning Meeting on 22nd Jan 1991
11 19/11/91 5400 D Minutes of NWPUG Committee Meeting on 17th Jan 1991
12 19/11/91 8457 D Minutes of Fourth NWPUG AGM on 24th Feb 1991
13 20/11/91 6210 D Minutes of NWPUG Committee Meeting on 19th Feb 1991
14 20/11/91 16102 D Minutes of NWPUG Committee Meeting on 20th Aug 1991
15 20/11/91 6818 D Minutes of NWPUG Planning Meeting on 31st Apr 1991
16 20/11/91 8433 D Minutes of NWPUG Committee Meeting on 9th Apr 1991
17 20/11/91 5272 D Minutes of NWPUG Planning Meeting on 23rd Oct 1990
18 20/11/91 10028 D Minutes of NWPUG Committee Meeting on 2nd Oct 1990
19 20/11/91 7861 D Minutes of NWPUG Planning Meeting on 20th Nov 1990
20 20/11/91 9512 D Minutes of NWPUG Committee meeting on 8th Nov 1990
21 20/11/91 6007 D Minutes of NWPUG Committee Meeting on 3rd May 1990
22 20/11/91 6440 D Minutes of NWPUG Committee Meeting on 1st Mar 1990
23 20/11/91 5052 D Minutes of NWPUG Planning Meeting on 31st Jul 1990
24 20/11/91 10390 D Minutes of NWPUG Committee Meeting on 12th Jul 1990
25 20/11/91 6847 D Minutes of NWPUG Planning Meeting on 2nd Jul 1990
26 20/11/91 4150 D Minutes of NWPUG Committee meeting on 9th Jan 1990
27 20/11/91 3573 D Minutes of NWPUG Committee Meeting on 13th Feb 1990
28 20/11/91 5368 D Minutes of Third NWPUG AGM on 18th Feb 1990
29 20/11/91 5891 D Minutes of NWPUG Planning Meeting on 18th Dec 1990
30 20/11/91 8385 D Minutes of NWPUG Committee Meeting on 12th Dec 1990
31 20/11/91 8309 D Minutes of NWPUG Committee Meeting on 30th Aug 1990
32 20/11/91 10286 D Minutes of NWPUG Committee Meeting on 5th Apr 1990
33 20/11/91 4395 D Minutes of NWPUG Committee Meeting on 5th Sep 1989
34 20/11/91 2648 D Minutes of NWPUG Committee Meeting on 10th Oct 1989
35 20/11/91 3891 D Minutes of NWPUG Committee Meeting on 14th Nov 1989
36 20/11/91 3333 D Minutes of NWPUG Committee Meeting on 30th May 1989
37 20/11/91 2880 D Minutes of NWPUG Committee Meeting on 18th Jul 1989
38 20/11/91 3159 D Minutes of NWPUG Committee Meeting on 9th Feb 1989
39 20/11/91 2288 D Minutes of Second NWPUG AGM on 21st Feb 1989
40 20/11/91 6230 D Minutes of NWPUG Committee Meeting on 19th Apr 1989
41 20/11/91 3900 D Minutes of NWPUG Committee Meeting on 29th Sep 1988
42 20/11/91 3636 D Minutes of NWPUG Committee Meeting on 1st Sep 1988
43 20/11/91 2290 D Minutes of NWPUG Committee meeting on 9th Nov 1988
44 20/11/91 3429 D Minutes of NWPUG Committee Meeting on 12th Jul 1988
45 20/11/91 3467 D Minutes of NWPUG Committee Meeting on 14th Dec 1988
46 20/11/91 3718 D Minutes of meeting by Node Sysops on 7th Jan 1991
47 20/11/91 3233 D Statement of NWPUG accounts for 1990/1
48 20/11/91 2244 D Application form to join NWPUG
49 20/11/91 663 D List of NWPUG Committee Members for year 1991/2
50 20/11/91 3874 D Map showing routes to Grappenhall Community Centre
51 20/11/91 2161 D Route to Grappenhall Community Centre (Text only)
52 20/11/91 5186 D Report of meeting with Sysops from northern area (11/5/91)
53 20/11/91 4143 D Report on meeting (05/06/91) Pennine & Cluster links
54 20/11/91 4735 D Packet Radio Bandplan & Site Clrnce requirements
55 07/01/92 13263 D Minutes of NWPUG Committee Meeting on 16th Dec 1991
56 03/02/92 22830 D Minutes of NWPUG Committee Meeting on 13th Jan 1992
57 23/02/92 14160 D Minutes of NWPUG Committee Meeting on 21st Feb 1992
58 24/02/92 657 D List of NWPUG Committee Members for year 1992/3
59 24/02/92 3035 D Statement of NWPUG accounts for year 1991
60 20/05/92 2925 D Latest list of NWPUG members - by G1GSJ
61 03/05/92 8068 D Minutes of NWPUG Committee Meeting on 29th Apr 1992
62 05/05/92 9938 D Minutes of NWPUG Committee Meeting on 17th March 1992
63 06/05/92 16055 D Minutes of Fifth NWPUG AGM on 23rd Feb 1992
64 04/06/92 8959 D Minutes of NWPUG Committee Meeting on 26th May 1992
Thank you for using the data base John
I hope you find the reply useful.
End of work for G1YYH @ G1YYH.GB7PWY.#16.GBR.EU
73, Ken, G3WCS @ GB7CHS
From gb7wrc%g1yyh@gb7pwy Sat Jun 27 00:25:33 1992
Received: from g6pvo by G1YYH.ampr.org with SMTP
id AA14889 ; Sat, 27 Jun 92 00:14:54 BST
Received: from gb7pwy by g6pvo with SMTP
id AA1078; Fri, 26 Jun 92 22:31:36 GMT
Date:Re: 920626/2038 @:G6 GMT
To: g1yyh@g1yyh
From: gb7wrc%g1yyh@gb7pwy
Subject: de CLIVE}Report 1 / 4
X-BBS-Line: SP G1YYH @ G1YYH < GB7WRC $64674_GB7WRC
R:920626/2010Z @:GB7PWY.#16.GBR.EU #: 9816 TCP/IP Gateway
R:920626/2001Z @:GB7WRC.#16.GBR.EU Burnley #:64674
Re: 920626/2038 @:G1YYH.GB7PWY.#16.GBR.EU
Message processed by CLIVE on 26-06-1992 (20:00 GMT)
Hello John
Welcome to the CLIVE database on GB7WRC in Burnley, Lancs.
Matching topic found. 11 files installed relating to...
ALINCO Modifications etc for ALINCO tranceivers.
No. Date BytesStsDescription of contents.
1 18/02/92 882 D Alinco ALD-24T frequency expansion mod.
2 18/02/92 882 D Alinco ALR-22T frequency expansion mod.
3 18/02/92 2484 D Alinco DJ-160 mods.
4 18/02/92 1982 D Extended RX for Alinco DJ500E handie.
5 18/02/92 2000 D Alinco DJ-560T frequency expansion.
6 18/02/92 977 D Extending coverage on the Alinco DR110E.
7 18/02/92 538 D Frequency expansion on the Alinco DR570E.
8 18/02/92 2604 D Replacing the Alinco ALR-22 display lamp.
9 30/03/92 3182 D TX/RX expansion mod for the DJ120E.
10 22/04/92 1395 D Frequency expansion mod for the DJ560 and DJ580E.
11 07/05/92 1344 D Frequency expansion mod for the DJ-F1T.
Matching topic found. 72 files installed relating to...
ICOM Modifications etc for ICOM transceivers.
No. Date BytesStsDescription of contents.
1 18/02/92 2751 D Icom IC-02AT frequency expansion mod.
2 18/02/92 476 D Improving the Icom IC-02 and IC-04 audio.
3 18/02/92 3221 D Icom IC02, IC03, IC04 series matrix information.
4 18/02/92 1004 D Icom IC-04 frequency expansion.
5 18/02/92 821 D Extending the RX coverage on the Icom IC2SE and IC4SE.
6 18/02/92 5017 D Modifications for Icom IC211.
7 18/02/92 3402 D Modifications for the Icom IC211E
8 18/02/92 7916 D A review on the Icom IC228H.
9 18/02/92 3038 D IC24ET/AT keyboard functions.
10 18/02/92 529 D Icom IC24 wide band coverage mod.
11 18/02/92 1437 D Extended RX coverage on the Icom IC2400E.
12 18/02/92 14433 D Icom IC24AT additional features (miscellany).
13 18/02/92 1596 D Undocumented features of the IC-24AT - (from ICOM).
14 18/02/92 1547 D Expanded Icom IC24 performance measurements.
15 18/02/92 2274 D Modification for the Icom IC251E.
16 18/02/92 3548 D Icom IC251E variable FM/SSB/CW power mod.
17 18/02/92 888 D Modifications to Icom IC-255E for packet radio.
18 18/02/92 1333 D Icom IC255 (and others) nasty fault.
19 18/02/92 463 D Icom IC25E modifications.
20 18/02/92 651 D Modifications for the Icom IC260E.
21 18/02/92 1154 D Taming the Icom IC28 squelch.
22 18/02/92 352 D Icom IC28 frequency expansion.
23 18/02/92 774 D Icom IC290E modifications.
24 18/02/92 1933 D Possible problems on the Icom IC2E/ICH2.
25 18/02/92 849 D A mega-battery for the Icom IC2E.
26 18/02/92 1028 D Extended frequency modifications on the Icom IC2E.
27 18/02/92 3843 D 3 files on Using the Icom IC2E for packet radio.
28 18/02/92 242 D Mods for wide frequency coverage on the Icom IC2SA.
29 18/02/92 236 D Wide band coverage on the Icom IC2SAT.
30 18/02/92 3620 D 2 files on extended functions for the Icom IC2SE.
31 18/02/92 2147 D Mods on RX coverage of the IC3220E, IC3220A or IC3220H.
32 18/02/92 2897 D Putting the Icom IC32E into repeater mode.
33 18/02/92 4759 D Icom IC32E extended frequency range mods.
34 18/02/92 839 D Mod for improving the Icom IC-402 S-meter.
35 18/02/92 1669 D Low noise front end mod for the Icom IC-451.
36 18/02/92 989 D Icom IC4SE performance figures.
37 18/02/92 552 D Icom IC4SE frequency expansion mods.
38 18/02/92 1240 D Icom R7000 frequency alignment.
39 18/02/92 1092 D Icom IC720A faults - some solutions.
40 18/02/92 9356 D Remote control for the Icom IC735.
41 18/02/92 483 D Mods for general coverage TX on the Icom IC745
42 18/02/92 1999 D Battery backup for the Icom IC745, IC745A, IC751.
43 18/02/92 3179 D 9MHz IF stabilisation on the Icom IC-751 ONLY.
44 18/02/92 1104 D General coverage TX Mods for the Icom IC-751A.
45 18/02/92 2290 D Icom IC761 mods for operating voltage and full TX coverage
46 18/02/92 1910 D Mods for frequency extension on the Icom IC900.
47 18/02/92 588 D Icom IC-901 crossband repeater operation.
48 18/02/92 1162 D Frequency expansion mod for the Icom Micro2.
49 18/02/92 1518 D Info on the Icom IC505 50MHz multimode portable batteries
50 18/02/92 922 D Info on interfacing Icom portables to TNC's.
51 18/02/92 22886 D Documentation on the Icom CI-V computer interface.
52 18/02/92 872 D Making the VOX of a IC271, IC471, IC1271 usable for FM.
53 18/02/92 583 D Cold-starting the Icom IC-04AT.
54 18/02/92 1637 D Icom IC-24AT undocumented features.
55 18/02/92 1695 D Added functions for the Icom IC-24ET.
56 18/02/92 6970 D 4 modification files for the Icom IC-3200A.
57 18/02/92 783 D Icom IC-3210 PA module change.
58 18/02/92 807 D Curing noises on the IC-32AT when in power-save mode.
59 18/02/92 629 D Icom IC-32AT crossband repeater function.
60 18/02/92 530 D Mod for general coverage TX on the Icom IC-735.
61 18/02/92 409 D Icom IC-W2 as a crossband repeater.
Continued in part 2 >
From gb7wrc%gb7wrc@gb7pwy Sat Jun 27 01:26:09 1992
Received: from g6pvo by G1YYH.ampr.org with SMTP
id AA14890 ; Sat, 27 Jun 92 01:23:34 BST
Received: from gb7pwy by g6pvo with SMTP
id AA1080; Fri, 26 Jun 92 23:04:27 GMT
Date: Fri, 26 Jun 92 20:01 GMT
To: g1yyh@g1yyh
From: gb7wrc%gb7wrc@gb7pwy
Subject: de CLIVE}Report 2 / 4
X-BBS-Line: SP G1YYH @ G1YYH < GB7WRC $64676_GB7WRC
R:920626/2011Z @:GB7PWY.#16.GBR.EU #: 9817 TCP/IP Gateway
R:920626/2001Z @:GB7WRC.#16.GBR.EU Burnley #:64676
Continued from part 1 >
62 18/02/92 4537 D Icom IC-W2A crossband repeat and extended TX mods.
63 18/02/92 555 D Extended coverage on the Icom IC-W2E.
64 18/02/92 1298 D Icom's battery backed RAM.
65 04/03/92 2381 D Some cures for various faults on the IC240.
66 09/03/92 3892 D Connecting the IC-3220 to the G3RUH 9600 baud modem.
67 22/04/92 2864 D Lubricating an IC735's noisey fan.
68 11/05/92 2103 D IC-2410 dual-bander (remote codes and other functions).
69 11/06/92 1781 D AMTOR mods for the IC720A.
70 22/06/92 422 D Cross band repeating with the IC-W2E
71 26/06/92 4226 D Another IC-251E variable FM/SSB/CW TX power mod.
72 26/06/92 3716 D IC751 - Antenna switching problems.
Matching topic found. 78 files installed relating to...
KENWOOD Modifications etc for KENWOOD transceivers.
No. Date BytesStsDescription of contents.
1 18/02/92 720 D Extended coverage mod for the Kenwood TH215E handheld.
2 18/02/92 484 D Kenwood TH21E to TNC connections.
3 18/02/92 1572 D Frequency extension mod for the Kenwood TH-215A handheld.
4 18/02/92 2461 D How to Defeat the auto power OFF function on the TH25/45AT
5 18/02/92 11630 D Kenwood TH-25/45AT modifications.
6 18/02/92 663 D Frequency coverage extension mod for the Kenwood TH75E.
7 18/02/92 1002 D Mod for improving the Kenwood TH75E tonburst convenience.
8 18/02/92 1466 D Kenwood TH75 receive hangup cure.
9 18/02/92 1060 D Frequency expansion mod for the Kenwood TH-25AT.
10 18/02/92 755 D Expanded receive mod for the Kenwood TH26.
11 18/02/92 818 D Expanded transceive mod for the Kenwood TH-26A.
12 18/02/92 3910 D Frequency expansion mod for the Kenwood TH-27A.
13 18/02/92 429 D Frequency expansion mod for the Kenwood TH-315.
14 18/02/92 4852 D Kenwood TH-77A PLL unlock override mod.
15 18/02/92 13816 D Miscellany mods for the TH-77A.
16 18/02/92 3356 D TM-221A frequency expansion mod.
17 18/02/92 1232 D TM-241 and TM-441E frequency expansion mod.
18 18/02/92 1478 D Modifying the TM-531E for 9600 baud.
19 18/02/92 965 D Frequency expansion mod for the Kenwood TM-702E.
20 18/02/92 1135 D 900MHz band reception with the 430MHz unit on the TM741A/E
21 18/02/92 410 D "AM" reception with the TM741A/E 28 and 50MHz unit.
22 18/02/92 2040 D Frequency extension mod for the Kenwood TM-741A/E.
23 18/02/92 1105 D Frequency exp[ansion mod for the Kenwood TM-441E.
24 18/02/92 2543 D Modifying the TR2300 for QRO.
25 18/02/92 781 D Modifying the TR-2600 for packet radio.
26 18/02/92 800 D Mod for changing the SSB/CW step size on the TR751E-A.
27 18/02/92 2368 D Trio TR8400 memory backup.
28 18/02/92 534 D TR9000 SSB low power mod.
29 18/02/92 8234 D TS120S service sheet notes.
30 18/02/92 395 D TS-140 broadband transmit mod.
31 18/02/92 1061 D Mod for TS-140S with an intermittent loss of TX power.
32 18/02/92 9679 D TS180S service sheet notes.
33 18/02/92 672 D TS430S mod for variable power on all modes inc "FM".
34 18/02/92 372 D TS430S Receive mod - 0 to 150KHz.
35 18/02/92 809 D Modifying the TS430S for AMTOR/PACKET.
36 18/02/92 1806 D TS430S Amtor modifications.
37 18/02/92 783 D Enabling TS430S transmit for MARS and CAP frequencies.
38 18/02/92 1293 D Mod for changing FM to 10KHz on the TS430S.
39 18/02/92 4148 D TS430S service sheet mods.
40 18/02/92 1625 D Frequency expansion mod for the Kenwood TS440.
41 18/02/92 2511 D Info for connecting TS440S to TNC using ACC2 13 pin jack
42 18/02/92 1046 D TS440S mod to use antenna tuner for TX and RX.
43 18/02/92 5797 D The Kenwood TS440 RS232 command set.
44 18/02/92 1641 D Mod for protecting transistor Q33 on the IF unit (TS440S)
45 18/02/92 6028 D Service notes for the TS520 and mods for the TS520S.
46 18/02/92 1456 D TS530S service sheet mods.
47 18/02/92 395 D Frequency expansion mod for the TS-680.
48 18/02/92 4498 D TS700A service notes.
49 18/02/92 1063 D Mod for crossband repeating on the TS721.
50 18/02/92 3951 D Mod for crossband repeating on the TS790A.
51 18/02/92 1287 D Kenwood TS-790 - Mod for improving talk power in SSB mode
52 18/02/92 832 D Mod for changing the TS811E repeater offset.
53 18/02/92 544 D TS830S modifications.
54 18/02/92 2366 D TS830S service sheet notes.
55 18/02/92 1692 D Kenwood TS850 modifications.
56 18/02/92 1378 D TS9130 - Mod for SSB variable power.
57 18/02/92 6251 D TS-930 transceiver mods.
58 18/02/92 5172 D TS-930S Miscellany mods.
59 18/02/92 900 D TX mod for the TS-930 (WARC bands).
60 18/02/92 849 D Frequency expansion mod for the TS940.
61 18/02/92 1517 D Curing Brain Ache in a TS940S.
62 18/02/92 1385 D Mod for unlocking the PLL on a TS-940S.
63 18/02/92 7550 D Miscellany TS-940S mods.
64 20/02/92 1323 D Kenwood TH-27A 'AM' mode info.
65 20/03/92 1749 D TH-26E Frequency expansion mod.
66 23/03/92 4220 D How to adapt the TS790A for 9600 baud packet.
67 02/05/92 1320 D Mod for controlling the TS440's TX power on SSB.
Continued in part 3 >
From gb7wrc%gb7wrc@gb7pwy Sat Jun 27 02:05:58 1992
Received: from g6pvo by G1YYH.ampr.org with SMTP
id AA14891 ; Sat, 27 Jun 92 02:02:50 BST
Received: from gb7pwy by g6pvo with SMTP
id AA1082; Sat, 27 Jun 92 00:14:05 GMT
Date: Fri, 26 Jun 92 20:01 GMT
To: g1yyh@g1yyh
From: gb7wrc%gb7wrc@gb7pwy
Subject: de CLIVE}Report 3 / 4
X-BBS-Line: SP G1YYH @ G1YYH < GB7WRC $64677_GB7WRC
R:920626/2011Z @:GB7PWY.#16.GBR.EU #: 9818 TCP/IP Gateway
R:920626/2001Z @:GB7WRC.#16.GBR.EU Burnley #:64677
Continued from part 2 >
68 05/05/92 953 D Extended receive mod for the TM-732a.
69 08/05/92 2110 D All Band Mods for the TM-732a.
70 08/05/92 1045 D TM732 - Undocumented Kenwood Features.
71 08/05/92 2282 D TM741 - Undocumented Kenwood Features/Games.
72 08/05/92 1252 D TM741 - More undocumented Kenwood Features.
73 29/05/92 756 D RX/TX expansion mods for the TH-78E.
74 16/06/92 2410 D POWER ON functions for the TS-850S.
75 22/06/92 553 D Mods for using the TM-531 with a G3RUH 9K6 baud modem.
76 22/06/92 507 D Solution to "low audio" with TS450 and the PK232 tnc.
77 26/06/92 3620 D Another mod for the TM-531E and 9600 baud packet.
78 26/06/92 249 D General coverage TX mod for the TS850S.
Matching topic found. 71 files installed relating to...
YAESU Modifications etc for YAESU transceivers.
No. Date BytesStsDescription of contents.
1 19/02/92 1016 D Mod for the FT-101xx MK3 clarifier.
2 19/02/92 556 D Mod for FT101B CW stability.
3 19/02/92 3947 D Help notes on the FT101Z and ZD.
4 19/02/92 1859 D Various mods for the FT101ZD.
5 19/02/92 3280 D Help notes for the FT102.
6 19/02/92 1319 D Mods for the FT102.
7 19/02/92 2489 D Help notes for the FT107 and FTV107.
8 19/02/92 972 D Help on FT207R faults.
9 19/02/92 1644 D Help on FT208R Faults.
10 19/02/92 1085 D Activate the 10MHz segment between 130 and 160MHz (FT209R)
11 19/02/92 1221 D Frequency expansion mod for the Yaesu FT212RH.
12 19/02/92 1945 D 3 mod files for improving the FT-221 keying (CW).
13 19/02/92 1798 D Help on FT-225RD faults.
14 19/02/92 1611 D Help on FT227R faults.
15 19/02/92 590 D Frequency expansion mod for the FT227R.
16 19/02/92 1469 D Help on FT230R faults.
17 19/02/92 6717 D 4 different files covering frequency expansion on FT23R.
18 19/02/92 4337 D Frequency expansion for the FT23R and FT211R/H.
19 19/02/92 935 D FT23R (and others) to TNC.
20 19/02/92 2750 D Frequency expansion mod for the FT-2700.
21 19/02/92 1486 D Mod for silencing the FT290 speaker while on packet.
22 19/02/92 1492 D Mod for 10MHz coverage on the FT290 MkII (140 to 150MHz).
23 19/02/92 2685 D Common faults found on the FT290R.
24 19/02/92 4799 D Mods for the Yaesu FT290R.
25 19/02/92 728 D Frequency expansion for the FT290 MkII.
26 19/02/92 4281 D Modification to the FT290 MkII AF amplifier for packet use
27 19/02/92 2855 D FT290R (first version) extensions.
28 19/02/92 1411 D Solid state relay for FT290 Mk1.
29 19/02/92 2164 D 2 files on extending the frequency coverage of the FT-411.
30 19/02/92 1761 D Frequency expansion mods for the Yaesu FT470 and FT728.
31 19/02/92 1043 D Yaesu FT-470 crossband repeater function.
32 19/02/92 1191 D Frequency expansion mod for the Yaesu FT-4700.
33 19/02/92 1228 D A list resistor combinations for FT470 extended coverage.
34 19/02/92 2724 D Mod for increasing RX coverage of UK spec FT470's.
35 19/02/92 1693 D Help on FT480 faults.
36 19/02/92 1516 D Modifying the FT480R for BPSK and 9600 FSK.
37 19/02/92 2009 D Yaesu FT480R varactor drive mod for 9600FSK and 1200PSK.
38 19/02/92 1866 D Frequency expansion mod for the FT690R.
39 19/02/92 1141 D FT-726 transmitter keying mod.
40 19/02/92 1233 D Help with faults on the Yaesu FT726.
41 19/02/92 1379 D Mod for improving the FT-726's RX.
42 19/02/92 387 D Auto-doppler mod for the FT726R.
43 19/02/92 3039 D FT726R Duplex (satellite) operation mod.
44 19/02/92 1339 D Yaesu FT726D six metres mod.
45 19/02/92 1459 D FT727R Reset options.
46 19/02/92 3202 D Info on the FT-727R CAT system interfacing and control.
47 19/02/92 811 D Mod for using a Yaesu headset on the FT727 without VOX.
48 19/02/92 1848 D 2 Frequency expansion mods for the FT727R.
49 19/02/92 1325 D Mod for quietening those FT736 scanning clicks.
50 19/02/92 2731 D FT736R satellite working mod.
51 19/02/92 3540 D Mod for the FT736 and 9600 baud operation.
52 19/02/92 3385 D Another FT736R satellite mod.
53 19/02/92 981 D Mod for automatic repeater shift on the FT736R C2 model.
54 19/02/92 1359 D 2 files on frequency expansion of the FT-73R.
55 19/02/92 1201 D Frequency expansion mod (RX and TX) for the FT-747.
56 19/02/92 1257 D Mod for interfacing FT747GX to a MMT 50/28 transverter.
57 19/02/92 2159 D Help with faults on the FT757GX and FP757GX.
58 19/02/92 4787 D 2 modification files on narrow filtering for the FT757.
59 19/02/92 1010 D FT-767GX audio tip for packet operation.
60 19/02/92 1653 D Help for FT77 faults.
61 19/02/92 1235 D Audio output - FT790R recvr's discriminator for 9k6 bauds.
62 19/02/92 2449 D Help for FT902DM - FC902 - FTV902 faults.
63 19/02/92 1496 D Help with faults on the Yaesu FT980.
64 19/02/92 4377 D Mods for the Yaesu FT-23R, FT-73R and FT-211R/H.
65 19/02/92 1966 D Help on Yaesu FT ONE faults.
66 19/02/92 1041 D Mod for improving the AGC on Yaesu series transceivers.
67 19/02/92 1367 D Plagiarising Yaesu FM modules.
Continued in part 4 >
From gb7wrc%gb7wrc@gb7pwy Sat Jun 27 02:08:27 1992
Received: from g6pvo by G1YYH.ampr.org with SMTP
id AA14892 ; Sat, 27 Jun 92 02:06:17 BST
Received: from gb7pwy by g6pvo with SMTP
id AA1084; Sat, 27 Jun 92 00:45:10 GMT
Date: Fri, 26 Jun 92 20:01 GMT
To: g1yyh@g1yyh
From: gb7wrc%gb7wrc@gb7pwy
Subject: de CLIVE}Report 4 / 4
X-BBS-Line: SP G1YYH @ G1YYH < GB7WRC $64678_GB7WRC
R:920626/2012Z @:GB7PWY.#16.GBR.EU #: 9819 TCP/IP Gateway
R:920626/2001Z @:GB7WRC.#16.GBR.EU Burnley #:64678
Continued from part 3 >
68 19/02/92 2655 D Yaesu - RX problem trace and cure (various rigs).
69 20/02/92 489 D FT-736 memory frequency - storing and tuning away with VFO
70 22/04/92 1201 D FT290R MK1 - mod for 1kc and 100hz steps on FM.
71 16/06/92 2115 D UHF RX mod for the FT470.
Matching topic found. 59 files installed relating to...
MISCMODS Miscellaneous modification files.
No. Date BytesStsDescription of contents.
1 18/02/92 7760 D Mod for running 3 floppy drives in an AT-COMPATIBLE comp.
2 18/02/92 2228 D HF Digicom modem notes.
3 18/02/92 4116 D Info on the World Chip AM7910 (Digicom).
4 18/02/92 3981 D How to connect an hard disc drive to the Amstrad PPC.
5 18/02/92 1670 D Amstrad PPC512 ram expansion mod.
6 18/02/92 831 D Mods for the Simple Spectrum Analyser (Radcom 11/89).
7 18/02/92 3764 D Atari ST MIDI interface as a general purpose serial port.
8 18/02/92 2149 D Auto UO-14 Rx frequency tracking for the TS790 and FT736.
9 18/02/92 3058 D 2 Battery tip files.
10 18/02/92 872 D Possible 'handy hint' for relatively cheap fist-mike.
11 18/02/92 2367 D Mod for converting the Icom-1050/JWR M2 to 10M.
12 18/02/92 1139 D How to find breaks in coax cable.
13 18/02/92 4467 D Schematic and notes for building a Coax cable tester.
14 18/02/92 703 D How to make a Commodore TTL lead.
15 18/02/92 827 D Digicom modem settings for AMD7910/11 modem chips.
16 18/02/92 1207 D DIY Slim-Jim for UHF.
17 18/02/92 753 D Packet Mod for FDK Multi-700 roll off/on audio tones.
18 18/02/92 1332 D Mod for tuning the FDK-700E to packet frequencies.
19 18/02/92 1986 D Elektor Filmnet decoder fix and mods.
20 18/02/92 1532 D Help notes on the FL2100B/FL2100Z.
21 18/02/92 756 D FLDX100 stability improvement.
22 18/02/92 4991 D FO-20 PSK modem improvement for Microsat use.
23 18/02/92 1069 D A bit error rate indicator for the G3RUH modem.
24 18/02/92 3584 D How to change the hard disc interleave on an Amstrad.
25 18/02/92 3034 D A cct for building a simple HF packet tuning indicator.
26 18/02/92 3782 D A cct for Shortwave tuning indicator including DCD.
27 18/02/92 1915 D HR2510 RIT-control mods.
28 18/02/92 2522 D KDK FN240 PTT tip.
29 18/02/92 2583 D MEON transverter info.
30 18/02/92 2323 D Interfacing the PW Meon transverter to a 2M linear.
31 18/02/92 5529 D MS400 shared interrupt modification.
32 18/02/92 622 D MULTIKISS tip to prevent some serial card malfunctioning.
33 18/02/92 2957 D A suitable circuit for charging nicads.
34 18/02/92 3813 D Tip for revitalising Ni-cads.
35 18/02/92 472 D Frequency expansion mod for the Ten-Tec Paragon.
36 18/02/92 612 D Curing Parasitic oscillation on the G3RUH 9K6 modem.
37 18/02/92 868 D PC120 TNC card modifications.
38 18/02/92 741 D Frequency expansion mod for the Azden PCS6000.
39 18/02/92 686 D PC 9 to 25 pin adaptor connections.
40 18/02/92 313 D VGA 15-way 'D' connector pinouts.
41 18/02/92 1330 D Tips on reducing computer RFI.
42 18/02/92 2202 D PC CGA interfacing to BBC RGB monitor.
43 18/02/92 11431 D RS232/V24 tips.
44 18/02/92 1397 D RS232 Lead connections.
45 18/02/92 1778 D RS232 or V24 interface (25 pin connectors).
46 18/02/92 2251 D Modifying the Stornomatic carphone for 2M.
47 18/02/92 7089 D CCT's for various tone burst boards.
48 18/02/92 920 D How to improve the Tonna 5 ele. 50MHz beam.
49 18/02/92 4642 D Assorted faults/mods on a wide variety of equipment.
50 18/02/92 453 D A warning about Kenwood chargers.
51 18/02/92 4216 D A list of wire gauges.
52 18/02/92 3504 D Info on the X-2211 FSK demodulator/tone decoder.
53 18/02/92 2276 D Yagi beams - DIY.
54 18/02/92 501 D DL-TNC connections for IBM clone using YAPP/YAPPB driver.
55 30/03/92 6694 D Modification files for the Tandy HTX-100 HF Transceiver.
56 22/04/92 4292 D How to cure "whine" on a DX440.
57 22/04/92 4772 D Mod for using the Ferguson SRB1 Sky receiver on D2 MAC.
58 22/06/92 1213 D HTX202 error codes.
59 22/06/92 1344 D Mod for adding a speaker volume control to a PC computer.
Thank you for using the database,
I hope you find the reply useful.
73 de Mick..G7DMS, SysOp @ GB7WRC
From gb7wrc%gb7wrc@gb7pwy Sat Jun 27 06:40:12 1992
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id AA14906 ; Sat, 27 Jun 92 06:37:50 BST
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id AA1090; Sat, 27 Jun 92 05:10:35 GMT
Date: Sat, 27 Jun 92 04:21 GMT
To: g1yyh@g1yyh
From: gb7wrc%gb7wrc@gb7pwy
Subject: de CLIVE>IC3220_3.RUH
X-BBS-Line: SP G1YYH @ G1YYH < GB7WRC $64760_GB7WRC
Status: R
R:920627/0430Z @:GB7PWY.#16.GBR.EU #: 9893 TCP/IP Gateway
R:920627/0421Z @:GB7WRC.#16.GBR.EU Burnley #:64760
Posted by the CLIVE database at GB7WRC on 27-06-1992 (04:21 GMT)
Hi everybody,
The following instructions tells you how to make the right connections to an
ICOM IC-3220 in order to be connected to the G3RUH 9600 bauds modem.
------------------------------ WARNING !! ------------------------------------
The following steps are not very dificult to follow, but are to be carried
by a person with a minimum experience in electronic radio equipment.
If you are not such a person, ask to a friend with the required knowledge
to do the job for you. Otherwise, permanent damage to your rig can result.!
Also, (evidently), this manipulation will invalidate the rig warranty, so
perhaps you prefer to wait till the end of its validation period...
The author of this note is in no way responsible for any damage that can be
caused to your equipment by doing this modification to it.
Do it at your own risk, and think twice before begin !
Modification instructions
(n) = Number of screws.
Material required: Screwdriver, Solder Iron, Coax cable (see text)
1 - Remove (4) the BOTTOM cover. (the one without the speaker).
2 - Remove (4+2) the shielding plate covering the P.A. output module.
3 - Remove (2) and discard the bottom small plate covering the hole
behind the antenna coaxial cable. Restore the two screws in place,
just to store it for the future.
4 - Locate connector J2 (The white big one, near to front panel) which
is used to interface the two main boards. (16 pins).
5 - Locate pins 1, 2, and 15 of J2. Pin 1 is the nearest to the box side
of the rig. Pin 15 (the one before last) is located about the middle
of the main board.
Pin description:
1 - UHF TX stage modulator voltage input.
2 - Ground.
15 - UHF RX detector output.
If in doubt about pinout, see schematic diagram (Main B unit, left hand)
6 - Take two pieces of SMALL diameter coaxial cable, (Z:50 ohms preferred
by me, but ordinary AF coax cable will perform pretty well).
Aproximate diameter MUST be no more then 4 mm, and lenght as required.
Following Murphy's law be generous ...
7 - Join the two (outer) shield parts of coax cables and solder them to
pin 2 (ground) at the upper (visible) part of J2. Solder the inner
(active) part of one cable to pin 1 and the other to pin 15.
Soldering should be performed to the upper part of J2 with
EXTREME CAUTION, as the plastic support structure of J2 connector,
can be seriously damaged !!!.
8 - Route the two cables trough the main board, up to the hole near the
antenna cable, routing them in such a way, that traverses the small
square hole at the bottom part of the plate covering the final P.A.
9 - Secure the cables at the output hole with a BIG plastic strap.
10 - Reinstall (6) the cover of final P.A.
11 - Reinstall (4) the bottom cover of the rig.
12 - Solder appropiate connectors at the other end of coax cables.
End of installation.
Notes: With this modification, only the UHF part of the rig is affected,
i.e. the mod will only work for the 432 Mc/s. band.
Also, some noise has been observed at RX detector output line, which make
the DCD led of the TNC blink, but this does not affect the overall
performance of the assembly.
As a guide, using the french TPK program, a serial (rs232) speed of
19200 bds, the well known G3RUH modem, and a standard TNC, a file of
1.5 Mbytes has been transmited in one hour, obtaining and average speed
of 364 cps. (TPK measured).
73's QRO of Andreu. EA3CQY @ EA3MM Barcelona.Catalunya.Spain
*** EOF
From gb7wrc%gb7wrc@gb7pwy Sat Jun 27 06:41:20 1992
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id AA1092; Sat, 27 Jun 92 05:30:20 GMT
Date: Sat, 27 Jun 92 04:21 GMT
To: g1yyh@g1yyh
From: gb7wrc%gb7wrc@gb7pwy
Subject: de CLIVE>TM531.RUH
X-BBS-Line: SP G1YYH @ G1YYH < GB7WRC $64761_GB7WRC
R:920627/0430Z @:GB7PWY.#16.GBR.EU #: 9894 TCP/IP Gateway
R:920627/0421Z @:GB7WRC.#16.GBR.EU Burnley #:64761
Posted by the CLIVE database at GB7WRC on 27-06-1992 (04:21 GMT)
To use the Kenwood TM531 with a G3RUH 9600 Baud modem:
1. PLL-unit modifiation:
Change R56 to 3k.
Change C56, 57 to 10uF/10v.
2. Main board:
Remove C55, 70, 118.
3. TXA:
TXA via 150k to MO (pll-unit).
4. RXA:
RXA to pin 12 ic2 (main board).
5. Change C34 (ruh board) to 1uF (mkm).
6. You'll need a eprom COA.
7. Solder a ptc (siemens b30-0845-05 (60 Gr. Celius)),
on the VCO-unit.
Let me know if your work is also succesfull.
73's, Ed. pe1nat.
*** EOF
From gb7wrc%g1yyh@gb7pwy Sat Jun 27 06:55:44 1992
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Date:Re: 920627/0352 @:G1 GMT
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Subject: de CLIVE}Report 1 / 2
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Re: 920627/0352 @:G1YYH.GB7PWY.#16.GBR.EU
Message processed by CLIVE on 27-06-1992 (04:21 GMT)
Hello John
Welcome to the CLIVE database on GB7WRC in Burnley, Lancs.
Matching topic found. 72 files installed relating to...
ICOM Modifications etc for ICOM transceivers.
1 new file/s selected, total 1.
Sending file 66 from the ICOM topic. C:\FILES\ICOM\IC3220_3.RUH
Matching topic found. 78 files installed relating to...
KENWOOD Modifications etc for KENWOOD transceivers.
2 new file/s selected, total 2.
Sending file 75 from the KENWOOD topic. C:\FILES\KENWOOD\TM531.RUH
Sending file 77 from the KENWOOD topic. C:\FILES\KENWOOD\TM531E_2.9K6
Matching topic found. 71 files installed relating to...
YAESU Modifications etc for YAESU transceivers.
ERROR 2: Invalid command.
ERROR 4: No files are selected.
Matching topic found. 17 files installed relating to...
TCPIP TCP/IP related files.
No. Date BytesStsDescription of contents.
1 19/02/92 1423 D A few notes on tnc "carrier detect".
2 19/02/92 4594 D A basic program to convert DOMAIN.TXT to HOST.NET format.
3 19/02/92 1175 D A few words on AMPRNET Domain Naming.
4 24/06/92 3182 D HOST.NET List for Region 1 : -
5 24/06/92 3202 D HOST.NET List for Region 1 : -
6 24/06/92 5533 D HOST.NET list for Refion 1 : - 44.131.1.???
7 19/02/92 3196 D Known international internet addresses, sorted by country
8 19/02/92 6915 D Notes on #871225-16 Netrom compatible version of TCP/IP.
9 19/02/92 4757 D Using NETROM from TCP/IP WITHOUT cluttering the network!.
10 19/02/92 675 D Getting your IP address for REGION 1 (ie: 44.131.1.xxx).
11 19/02/92 16093 D Documentation on the POP protocol.
12 19/02/92 16955 D Documentation on the NOS Mailbox
13 19/02/92 32332 D Doc on the "NOS COMMAND SET REFERENCE" by Ian Wade, G3NRW
14 19/02/92 7376 D A brief introduction to TCP/IP by Ian Wade, G3NRW.
15 21/02/92 7389 D User manual for BM, Bdales Mailer.
16 23/04/92 2457 D A list of National IP Address Coordinators.
17 27/06/92 4803 D List of Amprnet world Address Coordinators
Matching topic found. 79 files installed relating to...
TNCS Modifications/hints/tips/help for various TNC's.
No. Date BytesStsDescription of contents.
1 19/02/92 1951 D Remote control of the BSX Mk2 TNC when running "The Net".
2 19/02/92 861 D DCD on BSX v2.5 with State Machine mod.
3 19/02/92 1338 D Diagrammatic representation of DCD mods to a G0BSX MK2 tnc
4 19/02/92 21064 D A general overview of the BSX2 tnc.
5 19/02/92 2732 D BSX2 DCD mod - More information.
6 19/02/92 3173 D Modifying the BSX2 for STATE MACHINE DCD.
7 19/02/92 9266 D Constructing the DK2DB terminal node controller.
8 19/02/92 1929 D Mods for the DL-TNC.
9 19/02/92 2995 D Curing the KAM v3.00 to 3.03 reverse forwarding problems.
10 19/02/92 3603 D Notes and comments on constructing the BSX2 TNC.
11 19/02/92 1338 D Curing intermittent hangups on the G0BSX TNCs.
12 19/02/92 2675 D Specific radio connections from Heathkit manual for HK-232
13 19/02/92 2336 D Kantronics KAM - Getting baud rate of an unknown signal.
14 19/02/92 1781 D Fitting battery backup to the Kantronics KPC-2.
15 19/02/92 1542 D MFJ-1270 tnc mods.
16 19/02/92 2019 D Mods for interfacing the KPC-2 to a 1200 baud PSK modem.
17 19/02/92 4444 D Information on NAVTEX.
18 19/02/92 987 D Linking DL and BSX TNCs for node use.
19 19/02/92 2220 D Linking DL-TNCs for node use.
20 19/02/92 1839 D A simple test for the PK232 TNC.
21 19/02/92 2492 D PK-232 problems and mods.
22 19/02/92 784 D Reducing PK232 radiated interference.
23 19/02/92 1489 D PK232 mods for OP AMPS.
24 19/02/92 711 D PK232 mailbox upgrade problem.
25 19/02/92 2254 D PK232 State Machine fitting and adjustment.
26 19/02/92 1279 D PK232 and Kenwood TS440 combination improvements.
Continued in part 2 >
From gb7wrc%gb7wrc@gb7pwy Sat Jun 27 06:58:24 1992
Received: from g6pvo by G1YYH.ampr.org with SMTP
id AA14909 ; Sat, 27 Jun 92 06:56:05 BST
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id AA1094; Sat, 27 Jun 92 05:30:49 GMT
Date: Sat, 27 Jun 92 04:21 GMT
To: g1yyh@g1yyh
From: gb7wrc%gb7wrc@gb7pwy
Subject: de CLIVE>TM531E_2.9K6
X-BBS-Line: SP G1YYH @ G1YYH < GB7WRC $64762_GB7WRC
R:920627/0431Z @:GB7PWY.#16.GBR.EU #: 9895 TCP/IP Gateway
R:920627/0421Z @:GB7WRC.#16.GBR.EU Burnley #:64762
Posted by the CLIVE database at GB7WRC on 27-06-1992 (04:21 GMT)
Modifying the Kenwood TM-531E Transceiver for 9600 Baud Packet Service
Trunk backbone links are increasingly being upgraded to 9600 baud working.
To achieve this, bolt-on modems such as the G3RUH 9600 baud unit are used
with TNC2 clones or DRSI PC*PA Type 1 cards. Most of the 23cms trunk links
in the U.K. use Kenwood TM-531E radios which work perfectly at 1200 baud,
unfortunately they do not work at 9600 baud without some modification.
The problem is basically a lack of low-frequency response at 9600 baud data
rates because of the response of the VCO. A few components can be changed
inside the VCO box to rectify this situation. I would add that this is not a
job for the faint-hearted since VCO removal is a difficult job which needs a
steady hand!
Kenwood (UK) commissioned Chris Lorek, G4HCL (who also happens to be the
SysOp of the GB7SMC PacketCluster) to look at improving the VCO response of
the TM-531E radio to work at 9600 baud. Reproduced below is a summary of
G4HCL's modification based on first-hand experience:
Modifications for TM-531E to work with G3RUH Modem at 9600 baud
1) Audio output is available without de-emphasis at Pin 6 of the microphone
socket. This is an unsquelched output and is suitable for the G3RUH 9600
baud modem
n.b. This high impedance audio output point is not suitable for driving
normal 1200 baud TNCs unless they have been fited with a state-machine DCD
modification. The Kantronics Data Engine internal 1200 baud modems are a
good example of a suitable unit.
2) Audio input to the TX PLL is applied to connector W301 on the TX/RX unit
(X57-3340-xx) by the following method:-
Cut all wires which are connected to pin designation TO (coloured
off-white) and the earth connection (coloured black). Connect audio coax
to these two wires, and take this out of the set via the slot in the side
of the rear heatsink.
3) Remove the VCO box from the main PCB. On the PLL unit (X58-3490-11
inside the VCO unit). To do this, remove the screen on the underside of
the TM-531E PCB. There are four soldered lugs holding the VCO box to the
PCB and a number of pins which also need desoldering. Use a small
soldering iron and a desoldering tool. Once the VCO box is removed from
the main PCB, the next step is to get at the board which needs modifying.
There are two PCBs stacked one on top of the other inside the VCO box. In
addition, both these PCBs are soldered to the outer casing of the box.
You have to remove both boards since the board which needs modifying is
stacked above the first board. The components which have to be changed
are really tiny, so take great care when replacing them.
Change the following SMD components:
R56 - change to 3.3K
C56 - change to 10uF 10v
C57 - change to 10uF 10v
Reassemble the radio CARFEULLY and test. It should be possible to see a
good data "eye" pattern with G3RUH modems at each end of the link by
carefully perming the link settings for the default EPROMs provided with the
G3RUH modem. G3RUH can supply a specially optimised EPROM for his modem to
match the audio characteristics of the TM-531E. With these EPROMs fitted at
either end of the link, the recovered 'eye' patterns are optimized.
The TNC TXD time must be carefully adjusted for maximum data throughput on
the link.
73 Steve Wilson G3VMW @ GB7LDS
*** EOF
From gb7wrc%gb7wrc@gb7pwy Sat Jun 27 07:02:13 1992
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id AA14910 ; Sat, 27 Jun 92 07:00:16 BST
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id AA1098; Sat, 27 Jun 92 05:56:12 GMT
Date: Sat, 27 Jun 92 04:21 GMT
To: g1yyh@g1yyh
From: gb7wrc%gb7wrc@gb7pwy
Subject: de CLIVE}Report 2 / 2
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R:920627/0421Z @:GB7WRC.#16.GBR.EU Burnley #:64764
Continued from part 1 >
27 19/02/92 9716 D Paket4 and the PK232 (hints and tips).
28 19/02/92 1508 D Connecting the Kenwood TS-440S and the PK-232 TNC.
29 19/02/92 6836 D How to upgrade the PK-87 TNC to a PK-88.
30 19/02/92 599 D Speeding up the MFJ 1270/1274 TNCs.
31 19/02/92 3695 D Fitting the TAPR State Machine to the PK232 and PK88 TNCs.
32 19/02/92 1930 D High baudrates on the TAPR TNC2 clones.
33 19/02/92 594 D Modification of the Tiny-2 TNC to 2400 baud.
34 19/02/92 2722 D "Factory" fix for deaf Tiny-2's and Micro-power 2's.
35 19/02/92 412 D How to reduce current consumption of the Tiny-2 TNC.
36 19/02/92 8752 D TNC-2 1.1.6 command list.
37 19/02/92 974 D Mod for improving TNC2 clone filtering.
38 19/02/92 612 D Mod for 9600 full duplex on the TNC-220.
39 19/02/92 5068 D Production updates to the TNC220 to November 1988.
40 19/02/92 1837 D The ultimate definitive TNC-RS232 connection sheet.
41 19/02/92 5730 D How to build a CWID unit for a TNC2.
42 19/02/92 1646 D Mod for running a TNC-2 clone at 19K.
43 19/02/92 710 D Reducing HF RFI from the TNC320.
44 19/02/92 7791 D Command list for the TNC2 and BSX2 TNCs using 1.1.4.
45 19/02/92 24623 D Doc on DCD for filter-based and single chip modems.
46 19/02/92 3976 D Mod for open squelch DCD (various TNCs).
47 19/02/92 2514 D A cheap tuning indicator for the TNC220.
48 19/02/92 1749 D Commoning TNCs when using BPQ software.
49 20/02/92 1464 D Mod for updating the older PK232 TNC.
50 04/03/92 2958 D Info on using a TNC2 on 2400 baud
51 04/03/92 1215 D Info for curing unwanted resets on the PK232.
52 04/03/92 1532 D Curing noise from the PK232 on HF.
53 04/03/92 2536 D PK232 mods for AMTOR ARQ.
54 04/03/92 452 D PK232 RF lockup mod.
55 04/03/92 1048 D PK232 MBX Bugs, noise cure.
56 04/03/92 3034 D Another PK232 Noise cure.
57 04/03/92 616 D 4 simple hardware mods to improve the PK232's performance.
58 04/03/92 1914 D Responses to the "PK232 LOCKUP" bulletin - interesting!.
59 04/03/92 587 D Yet another mod for eliminating noise from your PK232.
60 04/03/92 779 D Battery leakage on the PK232.
61 04/03/92 2320 D Info on using 2 TNC's on one RTU (PK232).
62 04/03/92 1442 D Simple PC BASIC prog for setting PK232 time/date from PC.
63 04/03/92 1904 D PK232 Eprom info and mod for curing noise.
64 04/03/92 738 D PK232 - Curing SSB/FM distortion when plugged into TS680.
65 07/05/92 10935 D TAPR full-duplex (new) 9600 baud modem mods.
66 11/05/92 1779 D The KAM and TR78xx tranceivers (Audio Modification).
67 11/05/92 3491 D KAM sensitivity modification..
68 11/05/92 1340 D Connecting Kantronics data-engine to computer (pinouts).
69 11/05/92 906 D KAM carrier detect circuit mod.
70 11/05/92 265 D Simple solution to reverse forwarding on the KAM.
71 11/05/92 511 D The KAM and CW (Transmitter keying solution).
72 11/05/92 2894 D KPC-2 Clock modification.
73 11/05/92 2721 D Design for using KPC-2 and HF RX with no digital readout.
74 11/05/92 390 D Curing HF RF'ing on your signal (KPC-2).
75 11/05/92 392 D KPC-2 factory mods (serial No 5400 and lower).
76 11/05/92 467 D KAM - Bug with MAXUSERS command (v2.84 firmware)
77 11/05/92 1456 D Installation of the TAPR DCD STATE MACHINE UPGRADE (KAM)
78 11/05/92 1506 D KAM - Voltage problems.
79 22/06/92 2211 D PK232 - "High Performance" AMTOR mod.
Thank you for using the database,
I hope you find the reply useful.
73 de Mick..G7DMS, SysOp @ GB7WRC